Picture Recreation Steps

  1. Open Adobe Illustrator
  2. Click "Create New"
  3. For the dimension size, use the default 8.5inches x 11inches
  4. Go to "View" -> "Rulers" -> "Show Rulers"
  5. Start by selecting the rectangle tool
  6. Go to the bottom of the tool bar and set the stroke color to none and the fill color to #34B2E6. This will make the rectangle have a blue fill color.
  7. Click and drag from the top left corner to the bottom right corner
  8. Select the pen tool
  9. Set the stroke color to black (#000000) and set the fill color to #6ABD45. This will give the shape a green color.
  10. Click to the left of the canvas at 10.25 inches
  11. Click to the right of the canvas to make the peak of the hump in the center of the canvas
  12. Press down on Shift and click to the corner of the canvas
  13. Press down on Shift and make a horizontal line underneath the canvas
  14. Click on the beginning point of the pen shape
  15. Hold down on the rectangle tool in the tool bar and select the ellipse tool
  16. Change the stroke color to none and set the fill color to #DFE223
  17. Hold down on Shift and create a circle with a diameter of 3 inches and place it in the top right corner
  18. Hold down on Shift and create a second circle with a diameter of 3.5 inches
  19. Select the bigger circle and go to "Effect" -> "Blur" -> "Gaussian Blur"
  20. Set the radius in Gaussian Blur to 90 pixels
  21. Select the selection tool and position the blurred circle over the smaller circle with their centers overlapping


original picture

Danny's Recreation

Danny's recreated picture

Kattleya's Recreation

Kattleya's recreated picture